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From episode1of 1st series "does LUPIN burn?"
Mr. Scorpion is the president of evil who sways the world. He tried to assassinate Lupin the 3rd. Then, FUJIKO infiltrated into the secret position of Scorpion. However, she has been frankly caught by the enemy. she would be caught simply why -- ?
-- this is beach sandals!(:^_^A
Scorpion bound her on the table and said her.
"I am going to carry out fearful torture to you."
What is the fearful torture?
The hands of 20 machines which came out of the table began to tickle her body all at once the next moment!
FUJIKO was cried for laughing. "AHAHAHA! Stop please! "
What a fearful torture !
The boys all over the country who were looking by TV also cried for the scene wholly.
" -- please stop!
-- please do not stop !"(:^_^A
Then, the boys are said to have woken up to the sex for the first time, thanks to the scene, and to have grown up, and to have been metamorphosing......
Lupin did not burn. My lower heart burned!