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Translation 27.06.03 |
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From the 10th episord of 1st series "Chase the Money Counterfeiter! ".
Here is her regular winter fashion.
mouton(sheepskin) overcoat&mini skirt&long boots with a
machinegun on the side is just perfect coordination of dress to kill.
She can knock any guys down at anytime!!
In the 10th episord, she had an orange outfit with bright white boots, and also in the12th episord "Who is Laughing Last?" She got purple top and bottom with brown boots. Nomatter where she is at, she got her style with perfect matching colour on her outfit.
I am not expert about guns so I looked up few sites
about Lupin III, and submashinegun is made in Germany
Anyhow checkout her way of treachery!
Shooting down the mini propeller airplain from behind
(with Lupin and Jigen still inside(:^_^A!!), or leaving Lupin alone in the middle of snowy mountain etc etc....
What can I say more? Can she be more dengerous or what?
By the way, in the old TV series, a vocal actress was Yukiko Nikaidou,
From new series voiced by Eiko Masuyama.
To me, voice by Eiko Masuyama feels more familier feeling to it.
You know why? The voice by mis.Masuyama means also a voice of Mama-Bakabon!
Right! Second generation Fujiko is also a Mama-Bakabon as well!!!
"KOREDEIINODA."(means "That's alright"in Japanese)
00/02/15 |