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HIROSH 10.01.'04
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Translation 10.01.'04 |
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From the 7th episode "A wolf summons one more wolf."
She is GINKO FUJINAMI that FUJIKO disguised herself.
GINKO appears only 1 story in the series.
And yet, she has popularity very much.
It is because she is very fashionable and that reason is sexy.
The long black hair which streams in the wind, and Row rise jeans that a cute navel is exposed fascinate a man.
''The tits bottom''
It's the figure that half of the swell of the breast protrudes from under the clothes
(And called ''Shi-ta-chi-chi'' in Japanese)
That figure gives a man fetishism
For example that fascinates a man more sensually than nakedness.
The tits bottom is sexier than nude.
This is said as the law of the Southern Hemisphere.
As for this, scientific proof hasn't been given yet.
Do you clear up this law, too, and will you try to take a Nobel prize?(:^_^A